Volunteering in Sarnia-Lambton


SMART Group Fitness Instructor

Movement can be a lot more fun as a group but many seniors are unable to follow the intensity of a regular aerobics or other fitness class.  SMART classes are designed for seniors whether they need to complete the exercises in a chair, are able to stand and move or require a balance between the two.  VON will provide training and support for volunteers willing to lead a class in an apartment building, church or other facility close to where seniors live!

Volunteer Visitor

It’s been a lonely couple of years for many people but especially our senior population.  It’s finally time to start visiting again!  Would you be willing to visit a lonely and isolated senior on a weekly basis?  Right now you can only visit them in their home but as restrictions lesson you can take them out to help with errands, go for a drive, or have a cuppa joe.  Our clients have lived productive lives but now find themselves alone and staring at the walls, unable to get out without a friend.  They have much to offer someone who takes time to listen!

Telephone Visitor

We provide telephone visits to individuals who are waiting for a volunteer visitor to come to their home weekly.  Volunteers simply call to have a chat and keep in touch.  Calls may vary from 5-30 minutes depending on the individuals and situation.  Telephone visitors call at least twice a month but if the client is lonely they may call as often as twice a week.  Volunteers may choose to have from one to six clients on their call list and call the same people each month to establish  a relationship.

SMART In-Home Exercise Volunteer

Many seniors are not able to get out of their home to exercise or attend fitness classes.  SMART volunteers visit a senior in their home once a week for twelve weeks to complete a simple exercise routine of set stretches and exercises that have been designed to prevent falls.  There is no floor work or exercises with weights.  Clients are expected to complete the exercise regime at least once on their own between visits.  By the end of the twelve weeks clients have established an exercise routine that they can accomplish independently and safely!

Member of Foundation Board of Directors

Members of the Foundation Board provide strategic leadership to VON by committing to excellence in advocacy and supporting VON to achieve its important vision and mission.  Board members oversee the VON Foundation, participate in fund-raising events and work to increase the visibility and knowledge of VON in the community.

Caregiver Respite Visitor

Whether caring for a loved one who has dementia or another medical condition, caregivers often hesitate or simply cannot leave their loved ones alone.  Our respite visitors visit the home once a week to provide a couple of hours of respite so the caregiver can freely get out to do whatever will re-energize them!  Volunteers do not provide medical care but are watchful eyes and ears to summon help if needed.  Depending on the health status of the client they may stay in and visit, play cards, go for a walk, do some shopping, have coffee or even take a trip to the bridge!

Volunteer Crisis Responder

Victim Services of Sarnia Lambton is a non-profit organization that provides to support to victims following a crime or tragic circumstance. The Volunteer Crisis Responders will provide immediate on-scene emotional and/or practical support. Volunteer Crisis Responders are needed for weekdays, weeknights, and weekends. Training is provided. Please visit www.victimservices.on.ca to fill out an online application.

Volunteer Crisis Responders Needed

Victim Services of Sarnia Lambton is a non-profit organization that provides immediate emotional and practical support to victims of crime or tragic circumstance. Crisis Responders are needed for weekdays, weeknights, and weekends. Training is provided. Please visit www.victimservices.on.ca to fill out the online application.

Volunteer Transportation

Transport clients to medical appointments, social engagements, and to do shopping/errands.  A mileage reimbursement is offered. 


As a volunteer in this program you will be providing a needed service and assistance to clients that otherwise would not likely get out. You will have conversation and a feeling of giving back.

Volunteers use their personal vehicle to transport clients, and are reimbursed:  mileage is calculated as a return trip from the client’s home to their destination and back.


  • Valid ‘G’ license held for minimum of 2 years
  • Clean driving record, driver’s abstract required
  • Satisfactory criminal record check

Meals on Wheels

This program is an Essential Service and is actively delivering both hot and cold meals throughout Lambton County.

Deliver meals and spend a few minutes providing a safety check to clients in the Meals on Wheels program.

Hot Meals:  delivered throughout the county. Meals consist of a soup, entrée and dessert, and are delivered 2 to 3 times per week by volunteers. Each town has different pick-up locations and procedures to follow. If you are volunteering for this program you will job shadow with an experienced volunteer. Volunteers are encouraged to visit for a few minutes as a safety check and to inform the Program Coordinator of any health status changes. There is a honorarium for performing this service using your vehicle.

Frozen Meal Program: Meals are ordered and delivered every 2 weeks throughout Lambton County.  Orders may consist of soups, entrées, and desserts.   There are currently four delivery routes for the Frozen Meal Program throughout the county.  Volunteers are able to use one of the minivans from Lambton Elderly Outreach to deliver these meals.  Meals are prepared by Apetito and are picked up by volunteers to deliver from the office. Thermal bags are used to keep the meals cold during the delivery.  Volunteers are encouraged to visit for a few minutes from the client’s door to provide a safety check and note any health status changes.