Volunteering in Sarnia-Lambton


Top 10 Volunteering Tips

Hints to help you start volunteering.

  1. Decide why you want to volunteer. Think about what volunteering can offer you – such as new skills, being with others, fun, an opportunity to make a difference or contribute to a cause that you believe in.
  2. Know what you have to offer an organization. Is it time, enthusiasm, life skills, work skills, or passion about a cause?
  3. Decide how much time you can offer towards volunteering. Think about your schedule and how much of a commitment you can give.
  4. Research volunteer opportunities. You can find worthy causes by searching the internet, through media (television, radio, newspaper), looking in the yellow pages, contacting organizations, and asking your friends and family.
  5. Learn more about the organization you plan to volunteer with. Find out what requirements and skills are needed and what training is offered to new volunteers.
  6. Decide if you are interested in and comfortable with working alone, one-on-one, or in a group setting.
  7. Volunteer with a friend.
  8. Everyone can volunteer. There are many volunteer opportunities requiring varying skills and experience.
  9. Call and talk to a volunteer manager at the organization you are interested in providing volunteer services to. This person is an excellent resource to guide you through the application process and your volunteer involvement with the organization.
  10. Just do it! Volunteering is a great way to grow.

Become a volunteer today – you’ll be glad you did!