There are many volunteer placements. You may be interested in helping with one or more of the following:
Portering: Assisting physically impaired residents to and from activities.
Recreation Assistant: Providing assistance with resident recreational programs, such as games, outings, special events.
Walks: Provide the opportunity for a resident to get outdoors by assisting them in a wheelchair for a walk around the block.
Cafe Server: Our Cafe is now open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 3:30pm and we require a Volunteer to serve a home made dessert with tea and coffee to the Cafe customers, take payment and tidy up after.
Bingo Caller: Provide interested residents with an evening game of Bingo, Mondays and Thursdays at 6:15 pm in our Rest Home, usually lasts until 8:00 pm.
Bingo Helper: Escort interested residents from our Nursing Home to the evening game of Bingo. You would help the residents play and make sure they get back home safe and sound
Reading Program: Read to residents who have requested the service.
Dining Assistant: Help clear and clean tables after lunch in dining rooms; prepare the tables and pour juices for dinner.
Feeding: Aid nursing staff in feeding residents that require assistance at mealtimes.
Maintenance: Help maintain outside grounds by collecting garbage, picking weeds, washing first floor windows, raking leaves.
Laundry Support: Provide help to the laundry staff (i.e. folding towels).
Music Therapy: Provide entertainment to a group of residents either through a musical instrument or voice.
Palliative Care: Provide comfort and support to our residents if no family member can be there during the resident’s time of need.
Pet Therapy: Provide resident interaction with your pet. All pets need to be St. John’s Ambulance certified.
Hobbyist: Whatever it is you like to do, there are residents who would get enjoyment from your passions.
Looking for volunteers to help residents go to bingo from our Nursing Home to our Rest Home. Bingo is on Monday and Thursday evenings, from 6:00 to 8:00.
Looking for Volunteers to help with our activities that we provide for our residents. The volunteer will help bring the resident to the activity and then help the resident back to their room after. All volunteers must be Police Checked with a Vulnerable sector check and TB tested.
Vision is looking for volunteers to help porter residents to and from Church on Sunday morning from 9:00 to 10:30. All volunteers must be police checked with a vulnerable sector check and TB tested.
Vision is looking for volunteers who speak more languages besides English, to converse with our residents in their native language. All Volunteers must be police checked including a vulnerable sector check and TB tested.