Volunteering in Sarnia-Lambton


Forever Fit: Exercise Classes for older adults

Posted by on April 29th, 2021


Instruct a fitness class for older adults.  We will send you to training at the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging in London where you will learn Senior Fitness instruction. 

Lambton Elderly Outreach offers a one hour low impact exercise class for those 60+ based on the design by the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA)

All volunteers go through a training program through a certified trainer from the CCAA.

Classes are offered in various towns throughout Lambton County based on instructor availability.  Classes run from one to three times per week.  The volunteer coordinator assists with the administration of the program, including obtaining space for the program to be held, and ensuring equipment is kept up to date.


Start Date:
End Date:
Length of Commitment:
Time Commitment:
Total Days Needed: Variable
Minimum Age Required: 18
Training Required: Yes
Training Provided: Yes
Skills Required:
Activities: Locations vary. Call the office for details.
Transportation: Yes
Population Served:
Additional Information:

Location Details

Postal Code:
Travel Directions:

Contact Person

Name: Volunteer Coordinator Lambton Elderly Outreach
Position: Volunteer Coordinator
Email: volunteer@lambtonelderlyoutreach.org
Website: www.lambtonelderlyoutreach.org
Day Phone: 519-845-1353 or 1-800-265-0203
Evening Phone:
Fax: 519 845-1364