Volunteering in Sarnia-Lambton


Big Sister Mentor

Posted by on April 16th, 2019


The Big Sister Mentoring Program provides girls with a positive female role model and friend to talk to and share the experiences of growing up with. Through regular outings, 3 to 4 hours a week, a relationship is developed between mentor and mentee that is built on trust and common interests and is supported by an experienced Caseworker. The result is a life changing experience for both the mentor and mentee that is built on trust and common interests and is supported by an experienced Caseworker. This program promotes the importance of staying in school and healthy relationships with family and peers while teaching trust, independent thinking and self confidence in order to make healthy decisions, all while having fun.


Start Date:
End Date:
Length of Commitment: one year minimum
Time Commitment: 3 to 4 hours a week
Total Days Needed:
Minimum Age Required: 18 and over for Big Sister Mentors
Training Required: No
Training Provided: Yes Training is provided for the Volunteers as well as resources and support from agency Caseworker
Skills Required: - Have the ability to relate to young people and adults and to adapt to change - Be reliable, honest, trustworthy and fun to hang out with - Be collaborative, patient and positive -Can commit to mentoring approximately once a week for at least a year - Function within the guidelines of the Agency - Support the mission of the agency
Activities: Bigs and Littles are matched based on similar interests and background and the needs of the child and the strengths of the volunteer. They share in fun based activities in the community 3 to 4 hours a week. The agency also hosts a monthly group activity where matches can meet, socialize and try something new!
Transportation: Yes
Population Served:
Additional Information: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sarnia-Lambton is a proud United Way of Sarnia-Lambton Member

Location Details

Street: 10 Lorne Cres
City: Sarnia
Postal Code: N7S 1HB
Travel Directions: Located in Dow Center for Youth beside St. Lukes Chruch ( corner of Indian and Wellington.) Driveway is off Lorne Cres

Contact Person

Name: Sarah McSwain
Position: Caseworker/Recruitment
Email: sarah.mcswain@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Website: www.sarnia@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Day Phone: 519-336-0460 ext # 303
Evening Phone:
Fax: 519-336-4932